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How to setup your email on an Android device

This article will show you how to setup your new ZPos email on an Android device.

Your Settings
Email Address
Mail Server
IMAP Server
SMTP Server
Please replace with your website domain name, without the www. For example, if your website is then please use just in replace of

Please note, this guide was written based on using a Google Nexus 7. It should be similar for all Android devices, but there may be some minor differences.

You can setup your Android device to receive mail from one of your mailboxes as follows:

  1. Go to Settings > Accounts > Add Account > IMAP
  2. On the next screen enter your email address and your password, then press Manual Setup.
  3. It will then ask you what type of account it is, press IMAP.
  4. On the next page your Username and Password should be entered automatically for you, if it isn't then input the same email and password you used for step 2. After, For the Server, put then set the Security Type to SSL/TLS and set the Port Number to 993 and press Next.
  5. On the next screen the SMTP Server should be filled in automatically to, if it isn't then input this address. Again, for the Security Type change it to SSL/TLS and change the port to 465. Also make sure the Require sign-in box is checked.
  6. Next, make sure all boxes are ticked, and press Next. Now you are able to enter an account name (You can either leave it as your email or change it to your business name). You can also change your name that is displayed on outgoing messages, we recommend setting it to your business name.
  7. Your account has now been created. To access it, head to the Email app and select your new account. Send a test email to another email you have access to, and also send an email from another email address to your new email to test it is working correctly.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013 Posted in Setup Your Email Tags android, email, imap, mail, nexus, samsung galaxy, smtp
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